Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's been a while!

Ok.... I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything and I am truly sorry about that! I need to make it a goal to blog at least 2 times a month!

Let's see.... Since the last time I wrote on here a lot has changed. Most of you already know this, but still I should reiterate what happened. I somehow managed to catch an eye infection known as pink eye from one of my students. I went to the doctor and they gave me medicine to take care of it. When I went to work that day, even though I shouldn't have, my boss thought that even though I had a serious and can I say very contagious infection I had to work. It all got a little out of hand and I finally quit! I'm so happy!

I found a new job the next week and since it didn't start until the end of July I went home for the summer. I had the best summer I've had in a long, long, long time! My time was spent between Enid, Stillwater, Shattuck and the city. I had a lot of drinks and food with family and friends. Most of my time was spent hanging with my mom at the lake near Stillwater. I will always remember this past summer! A lot has changed for me!

I've been in Sanbon, South Korea for a little over two months now. I have the best employeers and my co-workers are amazing! My work hours are very different from teaching at a Kindy school or in America. I work from 2-9. Most of my students are in middle school so they can already speak pretty good English which I like because we can carry on a converstaion easily. I have made amazing friends here in Sanbon and I've started to spend my time helping others out when I can. I am a member of a facebook organization called P.L.U.R. It stands for peace, love, unity and respect. There is something every week where you can donate your time and love to help the less fortunate out. I think it is very important to give back to the community and I am so glad I finally stepped up to the plate. I'm not a saint by any means, you all should know that! It is just an awesome feeling being able to help someone out and give them a little love.

I'll try to get on here in a couple of weeks and let you know how living in the ROK is :)